Why I Think Being Boring Is Not So Bad

Most people today are appalled by the idea of being bored. Postmodern culture, which emerged from the "information-is-power" idea of World War II that so heavily influenced and was sustained by the Cold War, sees information as a commodity, as power. Since then, Americans have become so used to hyperactive streams of images that we cannot live without them.

John Cage, the composer, set out deliberately to bore his listeners. He believed that people are entertained far too much, that the absence of boredom from a society is a true loss. I agree with him.

Which is why I have tea. I drink tea to allow myself a window of solitude, a bit of individuality-- something toward which postmodern culture does not lend itself. Never watch TV while drinking tea. It misses the point. Tea is not a beverage, it is an expression. Drink it slowly, savor the taste. Also an excellent source of Brownian motion.

To remind myself of my reasons, I always let my tea brew for four minutes thirty-three seconds.
